
   I am a ‘Fake Physicist’.

   The definition of ‘Physics’ have changed a lot over time. And, the trend is that you need to know ‘Physics’ to become a ‘Physicist’. My knowledge ends at Schrödinger equation. And my realm ends way before that. In that sense, I am missing the most vital ingredient – the knowledge of Quantum Physics or the ‘Physics’.

   I cannot teach ‘Physics’ properly, and, will never try to. Instead of that, I created this page to discuss about some (non-physics) tools which are needed to work in this field, and for other fields too. You just need to find the logically proper applications.

   The concept of open source always fascinated me. So, I will try to keep all the discussions based on all the open-source platforms (i.e. Linux, CERN ROOT, ARDUINO, Raspberry Pi, etc.). It is always better to use a free one than a pirated one. We are doing Physics, not piracy.

   Relax, there is absolutely no need to become a master in this stuff or memorize all the scripts. All are on the web. Just pick up the proper tool and start using.
If you don’t like it then throw it.
If you like something then explore it.

Welcome to  the World of Fake Physicist.